Clinical Validation

Gene by Gene’s aim is to work with clients to develop a clinical validation that will allow them to market their test as a CAP/CLIA laboratory developed test (LDT).

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Clinical Validation

Gene by Gene’s aim is to work with clients to develop a clinical validation that will allow them to market their test as a CAP/CLIA laboratory developed test (LDT).

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About Clinical Validation

We develop clinical validations for personalized medicine, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. 

Before a clinical test may be used, laboratories must demonstrate that the test will consistently perform as expected. 

How we work with you:

  • We work with clients to develop a validation outline for their test
  • We perform the validation study and a written assessment of the test’s analytical accuracy, precision, reportable range, analytical sensitivity, and analytical specificity
  • Clinical validity (evidence supporting their test, software/algorithms etc) will need to be supported and performed by the client

Sample Requirements

Depending on the test, we may do both the analytical wet/dry lab studies or, may only do the wet lab studies (i.e. array, NGS, PGx).

The dry lab (bioinformatic, post-data analyses) portion may be performed by the client, depending on what final result/report they want to generate. 



Testing Methodology

Turnaround Time

10-15 business days


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Product Brochure

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Note: For individuals interested in these services, please speak to your healthcare professional.

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